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Vínculos espaciales (Spatial Links)

From " Gaia" Series. Looking for cold colours to escape from the heat, an infinite background emerged, contrasting with earthly forms of roots and animals intertwined. It recalls something biblical where the earthly is touched by the celestial, or the serpent appears and spoils everything... The work is hung like a Japanese scroll between two wooden slats and is delivered rolled for easy shipping.


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  • Artwork Curation (New)Featured | Curated
  • Height (cm)195
  • Width (cm)146

Artwork Size & Ink Base:

195x146 cm Acrylic on canvas. The work is hung like a Japanese scroll between two painted wooden slats and is delivered rolled for easy shipping.

Artwork Style

  • Abstract
  • Animalistic
  • Expressionism
  • Landscape
  • Minimalism

Full Artwork Size

  • More than 1m50

Painting Technique

  • Acrylic

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Hélène Rooryck

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Hélène R


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