Hello, I'm Hélène R.

I was born in Bruges ( Belgium) First was my fascination with my mother’s dazzling pigment jars she used when she was painting​,​ as well as with the geometric drawing catalogues for ceramic floors from my father’s manufactory. My passion were the white walls of the cabins on Belgian beaches where I became a graffiti artist at the age of 5. I ended up at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bruges​,​ although I still feel self-taught all my life. The events in my life took me to Spain where I currently reside in Barcelona. I keep searching​,​ I am inspired by everything related to natural laws​,​ from biology​,​ quantum physics to physical cosmology​,​ dreaming of the “Secret Melody” of Xuan Thuan. I follow the path of intuition where thought and feeling interact. Painting makes me free​,​ living the thrill of being part of a Whole and being able to express it playing like a child with the stuff put at my fingertips. Link curriculum: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZlfRPy_rEiroEleycOoQNl9LuhTdoVea/edit?usp=drivesdk&ouid=106177179807225049009&rtpof=true&sd=true


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