Hello, I'm Joey Matesic.

As an adolescent growing up​,​ my favorite subjects in school were art and music. To my surprise​,​ I would combine the two together as I would go home and paint my favorite musicians and bands while listening to their songs. Fast forward 30 years later as I revisit my adolescent days creating ‘Music Through the Ages’​,​ art collectors are enjoying my pieces and displaying them at their homes. Music is the driving force and inspiration for my artwork. While creating art​,​ I will escape reality. Whatever song motivates me at the moment will be splashed onto the canvas with a paint brush. Occasionally​,​ I stand in front of a white canvas without knowing what the outcome will be. The whole experience will be a discovery. Not knowing exactly where the feel of the paint will take me​,​ I just let go of myself to express my subconscious feelings and thoughts. My creative inquisitiveness is diverse as I don't limit myself to one style. I will mostly use bright colors​,​ which invariably elevates my state of mind.      My ambition is to evoke passionate emotions for my art collectors​,​ while they connect with my melodic pieces. I want my paintings to shake the viewer​,​ to move them. I want them to feel the emotion from the song through the artwork. I want the consumer to find the piece that best speaks to them.      It can often be difficult to put into words the emotions that music evokes. The range of emotion a person can feel while listening to music is truly unmeasurable. It can change your mood in a matter of seconds. It releases endorphins in the brain. With high endorphin levels​,​ we have fewer negative effects of stress. Music is such a powerful tool. It has an intense yet positive impact on physical and mental health. It can help increase focus​,​ clear our minds​,​ and improve our overall well-being. It can bring up memories from the past​,​ help people work together​,​ increase motivation​,​ and bring out creativity. Music is a universal language.


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