Wreck of civilizations

Wreck of civilizations, descent to the bottom of the oceans...Is it the end of the world that we have known so far? Times are changing... cycles are renewed, the end of one civilization, the rebirth of another.... the change is constant, the movement incessant... life passes, and life is rebuilt... Each end is followed by a new beginning, such is the cyclical movement of the universe. Movement and rest, this is how duration is generated. Everything moves, even at the bottom of the sea or deep in the ocean...We are amid a transformation, we are witnessing a process of the fall of a complex society, and the decline of established things... cataclysms, epidemics, wars, and natural disasters precede any decline of humanity... The blue flower that goes upwards, that opens and emerges from the plants, represents the new order, the renewal, contrary to the symbols of our civilization that go downwards. A collapsed society can return to a more primitive state or disappear, it can recover, or it can turn into something different... We are in the middle of this process.... we are between two waters.

Artwork Size & Ink Base:

Oil on canvas with knife. 65 x 81 cm

Artwork Style

  • Figurative

Painting Technique

  • Oil


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