This Painting is called, "VULNERABLE AND EXPOSED! Is about allowing ourselves to be who we are without fear. It is about ridding ourselves of any inherent fear we acquire as we develop, interact and grow from our experiences. It is about not being afraid to love others and allow others to love us and accept us just the way we are, as we love and accept them, just the way they are. It is about connecting to all aspects of who we are, as we connect to nature and the environment. Being Vulnerable is allowing our trust to develop. Allowing our faith to grow. Allowing our heart to love. Allowing ourselves to be Exposed, knowing that in life we live with all types of risks. Nevertheless, if we do not expose ourselves emotionally, as we love another, and allow another person to love us, we miss out on the True Beauties that life has to offer.

Artwork Size & Ink Base:

16" x 20"

Artwork Style

  • Abstract


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