Sunflowers in a basket

Sunflowers in the basket - oil, canvas, 45x60(cm) - 18x24”, artist: Tatjana Cechun, 2023, Vilnius. Sunflowers are my favorite flowers. Sunflower is a sunny plant that gives me many different ideas for creating compositions - from simple to creative. I myself don’t know why I have such a craving for this bright, positive flower. As soon as I see this village “sun”, a feeling of some kind of comfort and joy immediately appears. Nothing makes me think of summer, sun and vacation more than a field of sunflowers that magically always align with the sun. The painting will be packed in a special tube for transporting the painting and delivered to the buyer.

Artwork Size & Ink Base:

oil, canvas, 45x60(cm) - 18x24”

Artwork Style

  • Realism

Full Artwork Size

  • Up to 1m50

Painting Technique

  • Oil

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