
1st Place - 2020 NVCAF, Cincinnati, Ohio Local Level 1st Place - 2020 NVCAF, National Level, USA 1st Place - 2021 16th Annual, CPSA, DC-119 Members Art Exhibit, Fairfield, Ohio Peoples Choice Award - 2021 January, Artist of the Month "Shequonor" Colored Pencil Drawing on Strathmore Bristol Vellum. Shequonor (Stone) is a drawing of a Shawnee warrior who is ready to meet his enemy. Art is amazing to me, just as history is, in this case it is the Native American Culture. Art can not only be breathe taking, but if we are open to it, it can educate us. It has done this since its first creation. A tattoo or cave painting. Here it is the war paint of this Shawnee warrior. War paint served a couple purposes. It instilled total fear into his enemies mindset, and in fear you panic. In battle, if you panic, you make mistakes and mistakes get you killed. War paint also communicates to fellow tribe members and warriors, what this particular warrior has experienced and or is prepared to do. In Shequonor's case, the black mask abut his eyes, is his death mask. This communicates that he has either or, or both, seen death or is ready to give his life in defense of his people. The red dots, are remembrance-dots. One for every family member lost to the diseases brought upon them by the white-settlers. The black stripe on his chin represents that he has spoken words of death with his enemy. The red stripes on the chin represent his own blood, which he will shed, sealing his words of death to his enemy. Together these stripes upon his chin represent his Death Song, which will be sung for him upon his death, through his blood if he is unable to sing it himself. The scars represent things that have been lost because of the white-settlers. It could be material things like a horse, land or promise.

Artwork Size & Ink Base:

11" x 14"

Artwork Style

  • Figurative
  • Realism

Full Artwork Size

  • Less than 50cm

Painting Technique

  • Pencil


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