Sammy the Punk Rocker
Acrylic art painting with little texture and named my punk rock guy. “Sammy”. I used to go with my girlfriend to the lions Den heavy metal club in NYC she was an vascular ultrasound technician with me and we never knew she can sing anyways when she sang I was thinking she needs to be singing professionally because I couldn’t believe the voice on our tiny Natalie she was also beautiful. Most of he guys were like punk rockers and my 1st time to see these people all together and different in the clothes and hairstyles but I was very happy and intrigued and love the fun we all had. Really teaching me how and what great way to meet and learn all other cultures. Very happiest day in my life. Thx Natalie for inviting me love you Angie. This is on a Gallery Wrap canvas measuring 60.96cmsX 121.92s. Hashtags: Thanks for all your continued support to my social media accounts, very appreciated. Artist at, #Hashtags ##YoutubeArtist &#InstagramartistArtaddict#Acrylic handmade paintings## abstract Arts#Sketching/Charcoal Drawing/Watercolor#Modern Arts# Contemporary arts #Mixed Media,# Resinartist.#acrylic pouring art techniques#Landscape/Seascapes paintings. #Alcohol ink art Techniques.#Commission Arts. #collaboration’s.#Foam spray arts. # Commission work done. Canvas @ Ampersand Art. Donate: If you like to sponsor me or Donate, email me #@ If you like to sponsor me or Donate to or Support : My Social media:
- Artwork CurationFeatured Artworks
Artwork Size & Ink Base:
Acrylic 60.96 cms X 121.92 cms.
Artwork Style
- Mixed Media | Pop Art
Full Artwork Size
- Up to 1m50
Painting Technique
- Acrylic
- Chalk
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Sammy the Punk Rocker
Sammy the Punk Rocker