The Iranian revolution created a host of socio-political and economic changes within the country. Set against the revolution, this artwork is a homage to the changes it imposed upon society. The central figure symbolizes the pre-revolutionary mood. The figure stands erect with a clenched fist in mid-air, presenting the different freedoms before the revolution. But she wears a hijab, which features how the revolution removed some of these freedoms. Beneath her stands the US Embassy, a port of chaos in the early days of the revolution. Around her are mosques and issues of magazines of women wearing hijabs. The number 404 is meticulously positioned on the figures forehead, referring to the number of days hostages were held during the hostage crisis. Therefore, the artwork creates a contrast between the pre-revolutionary mood and the post-revolutionary restrictions.

Artwork Size & Ink Base:

Biro Pen, 29.7 x 42 cm

Artwork Style

  • Abstract
  • Figurative

Full Artwork Size

  • Less than 50cm

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