Evening sun

“Evening Sun” is a mesmerizing painting by Katja Lührs that captures the tranquil beauty of the setting sun. The artwork showcases a stunning interplay of warm hues and soft shadows, reflecting the serene and peaceful moments of twilight. Lührs’ masterful use of light and color brings a sense of calm and contemplation, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the gentle embrace of the evening light. The painting highlights the delicate balance between day and night, symbolizing the transition and harmony found in nature. Through “Evening Sun,” Lührs encourages us to pause and appreciate the fleeting beauty of the world around us.


  • Height (cm)150
  • Width (cm)90

Artwork Size & Ink Base:

150x90 cm high quality art print on canvas Limitation 1​/​9

Artwork Style

  • Landscape
  • Realism

Full Artwork Size

  • Up to 1m50

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Katja Lührs

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