Ballad of the absurd
Title: Melancholy Serenade Description: This vibrant painting features a stylized musician dressed in a suit and fedora, playing a guitar in a surreal environment. The expressive yellow face and tired eyes suggest an air of wistful contemplation, amplified by the cigarette dangling from his lips. Surrounding elements, such as the showerhead dripping water and the rubber duck, create a juxtaposition of the mundane and the absurd, evoking a sense of whimsy. The bold colors, angular lines, and fragmented shapes give it a Cubist-inspired energy, emphasizing the emotional and narrative complexity of the scene. It’s a blend of jazz, solitude, and surreal humor.
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- Artwork CurationFeatured | Curated
- Height (cm)77
- Width (cm)61
Artwork Size & Ink Base:
24"x30" acrylic on canvas
Artwork Style
- Abstract
Full Artwork Size
- Up to 1m50
Painting Technique
- Acrylic
- Mixed Media
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Ballad of the Absurd
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Ballad of the absurd
Ballad of the absurd