Amazon Blue

The image features a collection of five blue fish against a light-colored background that may suggest an aquatic environment. The fish are oriented such that three appear to be facing the viewer head-on, while the remaining two are facing different directions, one to the right and the other to the left. Their eyes are discernible, signifying engagement or interaction with the viewer. The atmosphere of the piece is playful and vibrant, with a simplicity in the depiction of the fish that calls to mind a sketch-style design. The use of blue hues enhances the theme of water and marine life, contributing to the overall lighthearted feel of the image. Several circles are visible in the image, suggesting an element of text or design within the artwork. The precise placement of these circles varies throughout the image, but its significance within the context of the image is unclear.


  • Artwork CurationFeatured Artworks

Artwork Size & Ink Base:

20x24 inches Acrylic on Canvas

Artwork Style

  • Animalistic
  • Mixed Media | Pop Art

Full Artwork Size

  • Up to 1m50

Painting Technique

  • Acrylic
  • Mixed Media

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Jorge Ramon Gonzalez

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