Title: AMAME PINK | 48" W x 60" H x 1.5" D (121.92cm x 152.4cm x 3.81cm) | Acrylic, Aerosol and Oil Pastels on Stretch Canvas. Bold Pink and Black Aerosol to contrast and capture visual audience and induce perception. Statement of "AMAME" which means love me is not a statement of request to others but a self annotation and reminder to always love your self. Vital instructions and reminder to help you bring that same love to the world and help experience life in a better form.

Artwork Size & Ink Base:

48" W x 60" H x 1.5" D (121.92cm x 152.4cm x 3.81cm) | Acrylic, Aerosol and Oil Pastels on Stretch Canvas

Artwork Style

  • Abstract
  • Expressionism
  • Minimalism
  • Mixed Media | Pop Art

Full Artwork Size

  • More than 1m50

Painting Technique

  • Acrylic
  • Pastel


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