Naked Hillside Rolling in the vast green naked hills, She lies on her side sleeping safe and sound, Flowing like the wispy whimsical river, She trails the comfort of homeward bound. Bushes and trees try to conceal her strength They decorate her with a touch of soft and tall, Serene like a green dream, she’s simply picturesque, They simply cannot hide her wondrous beauty at all. The sun sneaks a golden touch on tips of trees, She sparkle’s a smile of contentment and peace, Holding in her hands a little home of happiness, She keeps it close in the silence of nature’s release. So follow her soft calls and head for the hills, Find a home in nature where you breathe fresh air, Out there in the peaceful abundance make a home, And see how nature is filled with love and care.
- Artwork CurationFeatured Artworks
Artwork Size & Ink Base:
Acrylic, 175 x 54 in
Artwork Style
- Landscape
Full Artwork Size
- More than 1m50
Painting Technique
- Acrylic
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