Hello, I'm Alina M.

It all began when my mother took me out into the yard​,​ set up large easel with red​,​ yellow​,​ blue​,​ and green paint​,​ gave me a paintbrush a guided my hand. The beautiful colours​,​ and freedom to create anything I could imagine​,​ and the ability to express myself​,​ instantly captivated me. Since this moment​,​ I have loved and practiced art. Through school​,​ I continued to do art with my mother as my first art teacher​,​ and I practice outside class. This was an important time for learning and developing personally​,​ creating my art​,​ and writing style. I decided to pursue Business Management (HR) and Arts (Philosophy and writing) in University in Brisbane (QLD). My art bloomed again when I did exchange studies in the Netherlands​,​ Maastricht​,​ and took a gap year working in Doha​,​ Qatar. My travels have provided great inspiration in my work. Returning to Brisbane​,​ I completed my degree while doing causal art classes at night​,​ and an internship at Juggler’s Art Space Gallery. Joining the working class​,​ I slowly begun to entering in more completions and building a family art space called Art Do View. Art Do View finally opened on New Years 2019 and became my studio. This year I started to pursue my art vigorously entering in about 10 local competitions​,​ doing my first few commissions​,​ selling works​,​ showcasing as RAW Artist in Brisbane​,​ and ending with my first Solo Exhibition at Bean Café called “A Word Away.” Now​,​ I have moved to Melbourne​,​ and I’m finally studying Visual Arts at RMIT to get a formal arts education.

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