20240920-21 TEARS OF WATERCOLOR– (Series 03- Primary Colors)

20240920-21 TEARS OF WATERCOLOR– (Series 03- Primary Colors) DESCRIPTION: Abstract composition with tears of watercolour, drops of different thicknesses and primary colours. ARTISTIC TECHNIQUE: Pencil, Ink and watercolour FORMAT A4 (W 29.7 cm X H 21.2 cm) Landscape Orientation PAPER: Fabriano Water Color 200 grams​/​m2 Fine Grain PRICE: 250 euros + shipping fee 30 EUROS #abstract #abstractart #abstracto #abstractpainting #abstraktekunst #abstraktne #abstraktnekunst #acuarela #akvarell #arteabstracto #arteconceptual #coloresprimarios #conceptualart #kontseptuaalnekunst #Liinid #Líneas #Lines #põhivärvid #primarycolors #watercolor #watercolour


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  • Artwork CurationNon-Curated
  • Height (cm)30
  • Width (cm)21

Artwork Size & Ink Base:

FORMAT A4 (W 29.7 cm X H 21.2 cm) Landscape Orientation PAPER: Fabriano Water Color 200 grams​/​m2 Fine Grain

Artwork Style

  • Abstract

Full Artwork Size

  • Less than 50cm

Painting Technique

  • Watercolor

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AUTHOR: José Mario Calero Vizcaino

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