1889 Yakima City Hall

Part of my series of landscapes​​/​​still-life painted with 100% COFFEE on 140-300 lb watercolor paper. I have been doing these since 1986. At the time I never knew of anybody painting with this medium let alone doing fine art with it. This is of the old city hall​/​NYPD in the city of Yakima. In about 1994 King TV in Seattle interviewed me live on their program called 'Evening Magazine'. Since that time period it has had a 'life of it's own'. (more info is in my bio on my website)


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Artwork Size & Ink Base:

15"x11", painted with 100% COFFEE on watercolor paper.

Artwork Style

  • Landscape
  • Realism

Full Artwork Size

  • Less than 50cm

Painting Technique

  • Watercolor

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Paul Henderson

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