Hello, I'm ACalisto.
Artist graduated wirh honors from the USFQ in Ecuador. Started working wirh the USFQ and teached for14 years THE JEWELRY class . My life has been always creative and wirh ideasnto express somethingnthat can get the expectations of the energy feeling inside the creation. I consider myself a painter for passion and also as a therapy that is my fundamental concept to share and assist the interests with my knowledge of chakras. And how to balance them . I am a art therapist with the knowledge of ayurvedic practices. I am also since I remember a dancer and the combination helps for activation of my soul and body wich is reflected in my abstract paintings. Artenergy is my project that combines the path I follow for a fundamental wisdom with the experience and the energy flowing through the creation of the elements in the universe and in our bodies. I am going to the preparation of the first 2 chakras and its been an amazing and magical experience. All my paintings in the series of artenergy are abstract expressionism made from my heart
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