Hello, I'm CAR ACT AIR.
CAR ACT AIR is the work of a passionate artist who wants to suggest a kind of art that is raw and authentic, far removed from the traditional codes and shackles of the sometimes over-trodden paths of modern art. What drives me in my work is a commitment to anti-superficial values, in a world where predictable aesthetics have taken precedence over pure creation, and where the individual is too often valued to the detriment of the community. To put meaning back into an art form condemned to being no more than a placeholder, we need to charge it with universal values, by ensuring that every artistic production is the fruit of the pooling of diverse skills, from painting and photography to design, video, drawing, graffiti and leatherwork. CAR ACT AIR is all about artistic creations that convey messages, in an uninhibited way, using all the mediums available to me, focusing its commitment on the values of mutual support, authenticity and creative freedom.
- Artist Activation Code (Artists must first apply to receive an activation code and add listings!) ↗1742