Hello, I'm Dr Jana Nirvana.

I was born in Upper Silesia in the Czech Republic. I have spent most of my life in Germany so far. I studied in France​,​ among other places​,​ where I exhibited my works in art galleries on the Côte d'Azur back in 2000. Since completing my doctorate in history at Leibniz University Hannover in early 2020​,​ I have again devoted myself intensively to art. My inspiration came in the first "lockdown" when I was painting in the streets with other artists and I realized that art is invaluable for my salvation and helps me to break free from external circumstances. Quantum healing is the subject of my spiritual art. For me​,​ art is not a means of distraction from everyday life and the associated trauma. Rather​,​ art takes me by the hand and pulls me up into higher vibrational levels.

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