Hello, I'm Vidhi P.

My name is Vidhi Parekh​,​ and I am a civil engineer who loves to create artwork on the side. I have always believed that art should be a medium through which you should bring something new to this world; Everyone is different​,​ hence​,​ it isn't possible for two people to express themselves exactly the same way. Art is something through which I display a part of myself​,​ and it is my imagination​,​ dreams​,​ and emotions on paper. That's why I am someone who does not normally like to create what already exists. I come from a background where spirituality and hard work mean almost everything​,​ and both have a huge influence on my career and artwork. I have grown up listening to stories of the past from my family which inspire me to recreate scenes and tales through my own interpretation. From the very beginning​,​ I never really had some one that could teach me how to draw or paint​,​ but many have guided me throughout my life. I'm grateful for those who have allowed me to get this far with my work​,​ and it is because of them my drawings and paintings have been displayed in the Englewood Museum in New Jersey​,​ an art exhibition in the City of Bayonne​,​ and in school art shows as well. Currently​,​ I am working on ways of getting my artwork to people​,​ and that's where I stumbled upon Plogix Gallery. I thank Plogix Gallery for providing me the opportunities to grow in this field​,​ I am excited to see what I can bring to those interested in my work!<​/​span>

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