Hello, I'm Maciej K.

I was always drawing​,​ as long as I remember... I would draw or paint for the sake of doing it​,​ since the process of creation was always more important for me than the outcome. I never have a plan... painting or drawing is more like an inner need for me​,​ and the work reveals itself during the process. Doing it puts me in a state of intense presence and brings inner harmony​,​ so when finished​,​ I feel renewed and regenerated...simply good. Creating brings me peace. I don’t like to talk much about myself... I think there is too much emphasis these days on artists instead of the art itself. I’m just another guy who happens to know how to use a brush. Just look at the piece and see what it brings for you... if you like it or not... what do you see in it? Maybe nothing​,​ and that’s fine too. Maciej Kowalski

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