Hello, I'm Racquel M.

I am a self-taught abstract artist inspired by nature​,​ soft music​,​ and life experiences which allows my art to be guided by feelings or moments in every stroke. It is a moment for me to pause​,​ slow down​,​ replenish​,​ and relax.   I enjoy gazing up at the beautiful skies on my morning or evening walks pondering how subtle & calm it is. I tend to go into deep thought about the wind blowing through the trees​,​ streams of water running over rocks​,​ the rushing sound of a waterfall​,​ or the birds chirping in their nearby homes. This inspires my work that gives me a sense of calm and comfort in a busy chaotic world. My artwork is soft and soothing focused on happy & appealing colors. This plays a big part on what happens while I am creating. It has taught me that no matter what is going on around me I am in control and can find my inner calm.    My work has been described as intuitive​,​ impressionism​,​ abstract. I am grateful for the artistic mentorship and guidance by three amazing abstract artist who helped me find my own voice & style. Without them assisting with the understanding of color theory​,​ artist tools​,​ and a emotional writing exercise I wouldn't be where I am today.    I hope my work inspires you to look inside yourself. Find your own inner calm and  peace allowing you to get lost in what you see and feel.    MY MISSION Enhance other lives through color and spread joy. Sharing calm soothing art for your space that will make you feel complete and relaxed. We all have a inner calm and joy and through my art I hope to connect with you through that common ground.                                    -Racquel Miller In the sweetness of nature let their be smiles​,​ and in all our tomorrows the freshness of today  

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