Hello, I'm Birke D.

I am Birke Dedig​,​ a self taught Namibian artist​,​ passionate about my family​,​ art​,​ people​,​ nature & being true to myself. For me art is an expression of my innermost being. Of my emotions and feelings. Of things​,​ people and places that inspire me. Of relationships. Of memories and experiences. I paint feelings​,​ not things. When I paint​,​ I don’t see anything in my minds‘ eye​,​ I simply just transfer everything that’s inside me at that specific moment onto the canvas...Combining the colors​,​ textures and shapes until I feel absolute tranquility. Then I know the painting is complete. Any form of art will make your soul move​,​ change and grow! For me the most satisfying and rewarding thing about abstract art is that it goes straight to the core of your soul​,​ revealing and exposing tucked away emotions​,​ unresolved issues or hurts​,​ character flaws​,​ dreams and passions and then heals you from the inside out. Art gifts you with renewed focus​,​ inspiration and energy. It restores​,​ feeds and grows the soul!

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