Hello, I'm Penélope S.

Interior Architect and Designer of Spanish origin​,​ she graduated at the Department of Applied Art at SUPSI. Sculpture: In her sculptures​,​ the search of organic and sinuous shape​,​ movement and its tensions gives raise to a game of edges and bevels​,​ dynamics and suspensions​,​ and harmonious contrasts between light and shadow. A narrative that gives the figure a touch of life and at the same time captures it into a fragment of time. Her research is mainly dedicated to the female body​,​ aspiring to an abstraction and purity that leaves room to the spectator’s imagination. Collage: In her collage works​,​ she proposes possible stories trying to bring up​,​ lightly and with a touch of irony​,​ the sensations and impressions that each of us has “under the skin”.

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