Hello, I'm François M.
I have always painted, it's been thirty years now, I started with lyrical abstraction, on large panels and in acrylic, then my inspiration evolved into something more figurative, in oil, and on small formats! This choice of format is important in my approach because I like that we have to approach my painting, to discover the material, the details. I believe in the idea of a new renaissance, by loving and drawing inspiration from the painters who preceded us, it is possible to create something new, different. My style is made of spontaneity, a form of naivety, there is a spiritual and philosophical research in the celebration of nature. I paint what I would like to hang at home. And I chose this slogan "Color, joy, energy and beauty"
My Artworks (100)
- $1,243.00#Jour et nuit
- $1,243.00#En haut ou en bas
- $1,243.00#Je partirai
- $1,243.00#Tu me manques
- $1,243.00#Aurore azur
- $1,243.00#Rêver d'eau
- $1,243.00#Aurore florale
- $1,243.00#Amour du soir
- $1,243.00#Hiver bleu
- $1,243.00#Parfum exotique 1
- $1,243.00#Paradis Terrestre
- $1,243.00#Le Sud
- $1,243.00#Ailleurs
- $1,243.00#Mon bleu
- $1,243.00#Pluie, Antibes
- $1,243.00#Mon île
- $1,243.00#Emmène moi
- $1,243.00#Astre apaisant
- $1,243.00#Bonheur secret
- $1,243.00#Blottie
- $1,243.00#Le grand roi
- $1,243.00#Notre étoile
- $1,243.00#En fermant les yeux
- $1,243.00#Le Boréon
- $1,243.00#Ainsi la nuit
- $1,243.00#Cap la Houssaye
- $1,243.00#26/10/2022
- $1,243.00#Le présent est si court
- $1,243.00#J'attendrai
- $1,243.00#50 rue des Papangues
- $1,243.00#Après
- $1,243.00#Adieu
- $1,243.00#Groix
- $1,243.00#Bouquet aux rayons
- $1,243.00#Fusion
- $1,243.00#Sulfure
- $1,243.00#Octobre
- $1,243.00#Plenitude solitude
- $1,243.00#Bercé par le vent
- $1,243.00#A peine un instant
- $1,243.00#Madone de fenestre
- $1,243.00#La Colmiane
- $1,243.00#Etourdis-moi
- $1,243.00#Hymne
- $1,243.00#Parfum exotique
- $1,243.00#L'esprit d'une rose
- $1,243.00#Caussols
- $1,243.00#Prenez en tous
- $1,243.00#Venez à moi
- $1,243.00#Avant-guerre
- $1,243.00#Le val
- $1,243.00#Lune du tonnerre
- $1,243.00#Que la lumière
- $1,243.00#Petit matin
- $1,243.00#Je t'aime
- $1,243.00#Je suis là
- $1,243.00#Maison
- $1,243.00#Entre dans ta resserre
- $1,243.00#Le vent chasse l'oubli
- $1,243.00#Premier baiser
- $1,243.00#Je suis la porte 1
- $1,243.00#Papillons, reflets, parfums
- $1,243.00#Juan 1
- $1,243.00#Sur la terre comme au ciel
- $1,243.00#Miroir
- $1,243.00#Aventure
- $1,243.00#Le lac du temps
- $1,243.00#Parfums d'été
- $1,243.00#C'est si doux
- $1,243.00#Ukraine 1
- $1,243.00#Toi et moi
- $1,243.00#Aubade muette
- $1,243.00#Hiver féerique
- $1,243.00#Arbre en majesté
- $1,243.00#Printemps aimé
- $1,243.00#Table de printemps
- $1,243.00#Le cap au soir
- $1,243.00#Sainte Marguerite
- $1,243.00#Chaleur
- $1,243.00#Impression
- $1,243.00#Le jardin
- $1,243.00#Cannes
- $1,243.00#Cap d'Antibes
- $1,243.00#Amour
- $1,243.00#Bleu
- $1,243.00#Iris
- $1,243.00#A travers champs
- $1,243.00#Espoir
- $1,243.00#Le soir
- $1,243.00#Arbres bleus
- $1,243.00#Fleurs et vent
- $1,243.00#Le mur bleu
- $1,243.00#La vague
- $1,243.00#Dents du midi
- $1,243.00#Saint-Honorat
- $1,243.00#Ukraine
- $1,243.00#Force
- $1,243.00#Les Korrigans
- $1,243.00#Champs de fleurs
- $1,243.00#Corbeille