A stitch in time on a canvas
A canvas covered in black acrylics with a pallet knife. Black acrylics is appliec in large gestures. One dry. Accidental shapes are created with masking tape as borders. Then adding a chunk of multiple layers of red paint, trying to cover the underliying paint. Green ink was run through but as the mark was too mild. Then I over rode the ink with more paint. I took white thread too mark a white line with simple stitching.
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- Artwork CurationAll Other Artworks
- Height (cm)90
- Width (cm)60
Artwork Size & Ink Base:
Canvas 90 * 60 with acrylics paint, watercolours ink and white thread and needle.
Artwork Style
- Mixed Media | Pop Art
Full Artwork Size
- Up to 1m50
Painting Technique
- Mixed Media
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Jeannine kauffmann
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A stitch in time on a canvas
A stitch in time on a canvas