
“Enchanted” is a captivating abstract painting by Paresh Nrshinga that exudes a sense of bold elegance and dynamic expression. Set against a pristine white background, the composition features striking blue splashes and fluid forms that appear to dance across the canvas. The serene white and vibrant blue interplay creates a powerful visual impact, evoking feelings of calmness, mystery, and wonder. The sides of the painting are left white, enhancing its modern and minimalist appeal. Signed on the back, the painting comes ready to hang and is sold unframed, giving collectors the freedom to choose framing options that complement their personal style. The inspiration behind “Enchanted” comes from Nrshinga’s desire to capture the elusive beauty of fleeting moments and the magic that exists in the everyday. The bold blue splashes symbolise bursts of emotion and spontaneity, as though frozen in time on the canvas. These elements of fluidity and movement reflect the artist’s fascination with water and the ocean’s ever-changing nature, as well as his interest in the expressive power of colour. The white background represents purity and openness, creating a tranquil space that allows the blue to evoke depth and emotion. The sides of the canvas are intentionally left white, so there's no need for framing. The painting will arrive ready to hang, unframed, and signed on the reverse. About my art: I’ve always believed that the world is made of colour, and colour is where beauty and energy come from. It’s the source of emotion and feeling. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been fascinated by both colour and shape and when you bring them together, the possibilities for creating art are endless. But, for me, art is about more than just the combination of colour and shape—it starts with an emotion or a feeling, and then it spills out onto the canvas. Some of my works are created impulsively, and driven by pure emotion, while others are journeys that even surprise me as they unfold. Through my paintings, I aim to express my view of the world and connect with others on an emotional level, capturing a moment on canvas that resonates with the viewer.


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  • Artwork Curation (New)Featured | Curated
  • Height (cm)70
  • Width (cm)50

Artwork Size & Ink Base:

50x70x4cm Acrylic on canvas

Artwork Style

  • Abstract
  • Minimalism

Full Artwork Size

  • Up to 1m50

Painting Technique

  • Acrylic

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Paresh nrshinga FRSA

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