Powerfull Leaf

Katja Lührs’ artwork “Powerful Leaf” is a captivating piece that showcases her profound appreciation for nature’s intricate beauty. In this painting, Lührs uses vibrant colors and dynamic brushstrokes to depict a single leaf, magnified to emphasize its delicate veins and textures. The leaf, bathed in sunlight, seems to radiate energy and life, symbolizing the power and resilience of nature. Lührs’ artistic approach often involves highlighting the small, often overlooked details of the natural world, encouraging viewers to pause and appreciate the wonders around them. “Powerful Leaf” is no exception, inviting us to reflect on the strength and vitality inherent in even the smallest elements of our environment. This piece, like much of Lührs’ work, serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving and cherishing our natural surroundings. Through her art, Lührs aims to inspire a deeper connection with nature and a commitment to its protection.


  • Height (cm)150
  • Width (cm)80

Artwork Size & Ink Base:

150x80 cm high quality art print on canvas Limitation 1​/​9

Artwork Style

  • Landscape
  • Realism

Full Artwork Size

  • Up to 1m50

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