Shining Sunlight Forest

"Shining Sunlight Forest" In this vibrant painting, I have expressed the essence of the forest inspired by woods close to my home in the Peak District. The expressive brushstrokes capture the dance of light through a beautiful golden canopy, cascading warmth onto a mosaic carpet of turquoise and copper. Evoking the serenity of nature, this piece is a nostalgic view of a lovely birch wood, with a touch of fantasy and a sense of peace and tranquillity I love working with these lively tones, turquoise is such an optimistic colour full of life and vibrancy, while the copper is complimentary to the aquamarine like blue. An original artwork, one of a kind, this painting has been created with high quality acrylic paints on a deep edged canvas that does not need a frame. I begin with observation of the place making notes and taking photographs to work from in the studio. From these beginnings I work intuitively, painting some base layers with a brush and then impasto techniques layer on layer applied with a palette knife. Harnessing optical mixing techniques employed by the impressionists and some of the methods of the old masters such as scumbling and glazing. I continue working until the painting reaches a natural conclusion. The result is a contemporary painting, which lies somewhere between abstraction and realism. The painting continues round the sides and it is ready to hang.

Artwork Size & Ink Base:

Original, one of a kind artwork, painted in acrylic paints on deep edge canvas, painting continues round the sides and it is ready to hang.

Artwork Style

  • Landscape

Full Artwork Size

  • Up to 1m50

Painting Technique

  • Acrylic

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Amanda Horvath

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