Guppies and Lawn Chairs; Memories of Tamiami Canal Road

My first few years after arriving from Cuba as a refugee in the early 1970s, we lived in a small house in Tamiami Canal Road. I have beautiful memories of after school play times in a small plastic pool no bigger than a bathtub. It was such an innocent time, having my aunt Flavia take my cousins and me to Los PInitos, the little pines now known as Hobie Cat Beach. This piece is dedicated to those simpler times of my childhood. Times of simplicity, of riding my bike for hours going to mall. fishing in the lakes and canals near Tamiami Road. And always since Cuba having a fish tank, small or large but always a fish tank.


  • Artwork CurationFeatured Artworks

Artwork Size & Ink Base:

16x20 Acrylic on Canvas guppies water lawn furniture miami memories pool childhood

Artwork Style

  • Animalistic

Full Artwork Size

  • Up to 1m50

Painting Technique

  • Acrylic
  • Watercolor

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Jorge R Gonzalez

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