Title: AMAME REFLEJO | 48" W x 60" H x 1.5" D (121.92cm x 152.4cm x 3.81cm) | Acrylic, Aerosol and Oil Pastels on Stretch Canvas Bold Green and Black Aerosol to contrast and capture visual audience and induce perception. Statement of "AMAME" which means love me is not a statement of request to others but a self annotation and reminder to always love your self. This piece also holds the word "REFLEJO" which mean reflection. Vital instructions and reminder to help you bring that same love to the world and help experience life in a better form.

Artwork Size & Ink Base:

48" W x 60" H x 1.5" D (121.92cm x 152.4cm x 3.81cm) | Acrylic, Aerosol and Oil Pastels on Stretch Canvas

Artwork Style

  • Abstract
  • Expressionism
  • Minimalism

Full Artwork Size

  • More than 1m50

Painting Technique

  • Acrylic
  • Pastel


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