Do not Bully

The story of the painting is that as a child, I kissed girls and told my father, but he saw in my eyes that I could see in his eyes that he was not living his dream; he became harsh and bullied me; no one dared to stop him; and I was sad, alone, and did not understand; I got a mental disorder; I became scared and quiet. The purpose I was told 45 years later was to cut me off from women and be alone, and when I am sweet and beautiful but scared and quiet with humans, I was bullied when they are not loving, do not like people, and silence, and envy of my look because of women, to cut me off from having sex, and I just let them do it when I am cute and have mental disorder, no one in my life was loving and helpful and wanted to tell me about life, and didn't know why then, but as I now know. The bullying and anxiety make me think humans are mean. I had to be someone else, say something, and try to be funny so as not to be bullied and get scolded, but I got severe depression later and did not understand my life. My father even thought I was strange. I had to get professional help, which even costs a lot of money, when life is not about love but about work, money, and perfection. Therefore, in profile a beautiful tribal woman with a large plate inserted in the ear, different hair, and patterns on the face. Because they live in freedom, simple, calm, and humble, which makes them tolerant and calm, they can look, do as they please, and be themselves without being bullied, and the arrow out of the eye tells that I see a beautiful woman and am attracted, but I dare not contact her because of my mental illness. The keywords friends, love, and empathy are important to not get bullied, to be oneself, with women, to get sex, and to be happy. Peace, Love, and Harmony.


  • Artwork CurationAll Other Artworks

Artwork Size & Ink Base:

31X44 CM

Artwork Style

  • Expressionism
  • Figurative

Full Artwork Size

  • Less than 50cm

Painting Technique

  • Mixed Media

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