
"Vespa", oil on stretched canvas. This piece is made with the highest quality of materials available. Having a passion for all things "VINTAGE", I fell in love with the look of this Vespa. My wife and I were walking the a local annual car show called Pumpkin Run, in Owensville, Ohio. I visit car shows seeking inspiration from the cars and chrome. I was looking for something unique and interesting so we headed over to the flea market corner. When I came walking around the corner of the barn and saw this Vespa, I knew that I had to create this piece. The colors are so beautiful and eye-stopping. The wear of the paint and rust spots just draws you in.

Artwork Size & Ink Base:

16" x 20"

Artwork Style

  • Abstract
  • Figurative
  • Realism

Full Artwork Size

  • Up to 1m50

Painting Technique

  • Oil


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