In Jewish tradition, the Tree of Knowledge and the eating of its fruit represent the beginning of the mixture of good and evil together. Before that time, the two were separate, and evil had only a nebulous existence in potential. In recent history, the owl in the tree represents knowledge. People could think of asking the owl in the tree about personal difficult questions, the owl flew, it was an answer that your question had relevance and that what you asked was the truth, and the right thing to do... Nowadays, we'd rather ask Google? https://youtu.be/CmyEE6EZZR4


  • Artwork CurationFeatured Artworks

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This image is in 600 dpi and 15000x15000 pixels. Max print 3,2 x 3,2 meters.

Artwork Style

  • Figurative
  • Landscape

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  • More than 1m50


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