This gang of bandits has just robbed crates of gold from a secret gold warehouse in the desert. The owner is on the trail of the mobs, but the thieves have hired one of the best drivers in the bandit business. The SUV drives fast. The first part of the river is easily crossed, but the Bandits are still in great danger as the gold's owner, Sheik Baruda, has called in reinforcements. If the bad guys just cross over to the other side of the river, there are good roads with many different roads to choose from.. How does it end? You decide! https://youtu.be/NaieOcicMF8


  • Artwork CurationFeatured Artworks

Artwork Size & Ink Base:

This image is in 600 dpi and 15000x15000 pixels. Max print 3,2 x 3,2 meters.

Artwork Style

  • Figurative

Full Artwork Size

  • More than 1m50


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